转自:藻诗飞翔 编写:张梦娟 审核:王寅初
今天小编将带你欣赏一篇1964年刊登于《Nature》杂志上一篇名为《Potassium Tellurite as a Bacteriostatic Agent in isolating Algae》的文章,一起来看看研究人员分离出代表性的水生真菌的过程吧!
《Potassium Tellurite as a Bacteriostatic Agent in isolating Algae》
An essential prerequisite to obtaining predictable growth of algae under laboratory conditions is the establishment of axenic cultures, but this is often extremely difficult to achieve.
The successful use of potassium tellurite as a bacteriostatic agent in the pure isolation of representative aquatic fungi from the orders Blasto-cladiales, Chytridiales and Saprolegniales, using material direct from Nature which was sometimes highly contaminated with bacteria, suggested that algae might also respond to this treatment,and the promising results obtained are reported in this communication.
使用从自然界直接提取的有时被细菌高度污染的材料,成功地将碲化钾用作抑菌剂,从Blasto-cladiales,Chytridiales和Saprolegniales中分离出代表性的水生真菌,这表明藻类也可能对这种处理有反应; 并在本通讯中报告了取得的令人鼓舞的结果。
For marine algae 0.01 per cent (w/v) potassium tellurite was autoclaved with plain sea-water and 1 per cent (w/v) agar and the poured Petri dishes loft to lose their moisture of condensation for 24 h.
Using Falkenbergw rufolanosa (Harv.) Schm. the young tips of freshly collected filaments were carefully washed in sterile sea-water and cleaned further by dragging them through the agar. The dishes were then sealed with ‘Sellotape’, r eversed, and incubated at 16° C with illumination from above.
对于海藻,将0.01%(w / v)的亚碲酸钾用纯海水和1%(w / v)的琼脂高压灭菌,倒入培养皿中使其凝结水分消失24小时。
使用Falkenbergw rufolanosa(Harv.)Schm.将新鲜收集的细丝的幼小尖端在无菌海水中仔细洗涤,然后将其拖曳穿过琼脂进一步清洁。然后将培养皿用’Sellotape’密封,洗净,并在16℃下从上方照明孵育。
Bacteria were not eliminated completely in the region of the inoculum, but were restricted to such an extent that the alga was able to outgrow them and produce fresh clean filaments in the thickness of the agar (Fig. 1, above).
After six weeks under these conditions it was noted that the growth habit differed from that of plants grown in enriched sea-water and from that observed in Nature. The filaments branched much more profusely and often had a somewhat coralloid habit, (Fig. 1, below).